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Meridian dredging, whole body massage. Improve insomnia, depression or hyperactivity, abdominal massage for weight loss

Circumferential Moxibustion

Moxibustion box + medicinal mud + ginger floss + moxa floss on the back Du channel and front abdomen Ren channel, warming the Yang Ren and Du channels. The effect of removing dampness and cold is remarkable.


Limb Therapy

Relax all parts of the limbs, treat their muscles, fascia, deep fascia, tendons, ligaments, and massage meridians, acupoints, reflex points/areas, and Ashi points.

Women's Wellness

Through massage and kneading techniques + moxibustion, the fascia and ligaments are relaxed, the qi and blood in the buttocks and pelvis are activated, and dysmenorrhea, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, cervical erosion, pelvic inflammatory disease, sexual indifference, postpartum lochia, etc. Men can improve prostate problems, urinary dripping, and sexual function.


TCM Spinal Therapy

From the toe joints, ankle, knee, pelvis, lumbar spine, scapula, acromion, thoracic spine, cervical spine, clavicle, elbow, wrist to the finger joints, a comprehensive realignment of the entire body's bones will alter the body's strength structure.

Infant Massage

By pinching the spine, kneading the abdomen, and massaging the acupoints and reflex zones of the hands and feet, it can improve colds and coughs, high fever and convulsions, indigestion, height increase, enuresis, eczema, asthma, ADHD, autism, etc.


Body Shaping

Meridian dredging, whole body massage. Improve insomnia, depression or hyperactivity, abdominal massage for weight loss

Chinese Aromatherapy

Chinese full body massage + herbal essential oil (customized on-site) + heat therapy, gentle and painless, deep relaxation, warm and comfortable body, emotional dredging, decompression and depression. Effectively improve obesity and edema caused by spleen deficiency and phlegm, calf swelling, refresh the mind and rejuvenate the face, improve insomnia and headaches, improve various skin problems, and have smooth and moist skin.

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